Tranquil paths, green grass, and the perfume of the big wide world:
On the sunny side of the green valley, a mixture of natural and cultural landscapes opens up that is especially charming to see.
Kiens-Chienes, situated at 900 m (2,953 ft.) above sea level, is already a great starting point for little strolls and simple hikes which leave nothing to be desired for eyes that enjoy nature: the Butterfly Path, the cultural landscape hike, or a jaunt in the footsteps of ancient Romans will certainly arouse the curiosity.
But on top of that, the tiny little village is also the perfect starting point for hikes in the medium to high mountains, at times through completely undisturbed landscapes both below the timberline and beyond it.
Glittering Alpine lakes at rocky heights, deep-green fragrant mountain meadows, and that healthy bite in the calves ought to sound like quite the El Dorado for dyed-in-the-wool mountain enthusiasts.